Saturday was hot and humid. My booth looked good for all my anxiety about what to expect. I did learn I need a canopy should I do this next year. What a way to start my first outdoor art festival - I was melting!!
A melting me posing with my visiting girls who also are melting
My mom came early (thank you, Mom) and helped set up the booth. Interestingly enough, my mom's cousin was helping his girlfriend set up her booth right next to mine. It's such a small world, isn't it?

Pippa and my Mom. Like Pippa's wave?
Here is the display, complete with two rigged umbrellas to somewhat protect the artwork. The golf umbrella is being held in our cooler of water and ice. I dehydrated a bit for not wanting to disturb the delicate MacGuyver-like rigging of the 'umbrella stand.'

My booth. Whew! All set up.
My mother-in-law had the girls for the day and brought them by for a visit. Lucy partook of the face painting and delighted in showing off her kitty.
It really was hot. I'm not quite exaggerating about the dehydration. My mother-in-law thoughtfully had brought another cooler with water and Fresca when she visited with the girls. Everything was drank in around five minutes!
I think Pippa was melting here.

Lucy still showing me her kitty with her origami project and Pippa.
Here is the booth right before take-down. A lot of empty spaces because I had a lot of sales!

Time to pack up for the day!
What wonderful people came to this show. I enjoyed talking to everyone, met the best art collectors, and the day was a wonderful success. What relief for having the first festival behind me. Whew!

Many sales - Hurray!
And additional thanks to my mom. What a day she put in with me. We melted together and made some more happy memories. Love you!
Thanks for reading!